Hello Everyone,
It’s great to be here once again giving account of the last 1 year! Indeed, God has been faithful through a very tough year – in fact, 2009 was the worst year for me in 3 years of being in 9ja.
3 years, can you believe it? It seems just like yesterday that I resigned from my job, packed up and moved down; and everyone thought I was crazy. The grace of God was certainly available to do it then, not sure I could re-do this again o.
I am a 9ja survivor, anyhow!
Anyway, I felt to give just a lil’ highlight of the last year, here goes:
1. I suffered significant hair-loss and had to cut my hair at some point to promote new growth; I survived it.
2. Survived a ‘down-sizing’ tsunami at work! And dis wan, na real yawa!
3. Survived a Malaria illness as well as a Typhoid and Ulcer diagnosis!
4. Survived several driver driving nonsense ‘near misses’ – thank God!
5. Ha, survived NYSC ‘Concentration’ Camp for 3 weeks! Can you believe that? Let me give some highlights here!
You can't imagine the shock horror when I turned up to camp for registration and was told I had to do a pregnancy test. On being told, I started looking for the nearest toilet thinking that was where the test sample will be taken. When I asked the medical students there, they just laughed and acted quite unsympathetically for the profession they professed. I was told I had to drop everything I was holding to do the test. I didn't understand why and insisted that I won't leave my valuables with anyone to hold.
Eventually, I had to drop my bag and a woman around gave me her pair of flip-flops to wear to be able to walk to the urinating section - right out in the open with a woody-make-shift covering. I was appalled and felt de-womanised when I saw the site. Here was me in my stilettos, from the Diaspora being reduced to this. Even the smear test that I so detested in jand was nowhere compared to the humiliation here. Needless to say, I wet myself in the process when someone 'accidentally' popped by to take her turn; with other onlookers up and about; as I wasn't sure whether to pull down my entire brief or not. I resulted to a 'sliding-window modus operandi' – don’t picture this!
There was just a bucket of unclean water to rinse our hands and another to drop the emptied out urine bottles ready for usage by others; no disinfectant or any such. Thankfully, I was sent home for not bringing some original documentation so I was able to shower and have a change of clothing! Very crazy, I tell you; very crazy. Upon all of this, it didn't stop several pregnant women still getting through the process, so who is fooling who! What a shame!
Endured the evil beagle sound that woke us everyday at 4.30am (or earlier at times) for morning ‘physical exercise’ and to be singing some stupid and meaningless songs dressed in white PE shorts and t-shirt! Was in a 28-woman room! I didn’t even have a bucket on the first night. It was like I was back to boarding school. I had nightmares for days before I finally settled in my mind that the ordeal will soon be over!
On the upside, the platoon leader reached out to me and it made my ordeal bearable. The camp director ensured light and water was as optimally available as possible. I never made it to the dining hall; ensured I had enough water stocked up from home, enough paper plates and spoons, enough cereal, enough disinfectant, enough tissue, enough underwear et al.
Was usually asleep during all those early morning lectures! Didn’t attempt the endurance trek – by then, I was suffering from back aches and had to go to the hospital at some point! Didn’t use my mosquito net – never had a mosquito bite and we used to feel cold most of the time to the point of wearing cardigans! Can you imagine that!
In all, whilst I wouldn’t wish camp on anyone – as I really don’t know what value it adds, the coordinators did well then to have made it as endurable as it was!
6. Still surviving on the lack of cooking. In fact, I have not had light in my kitchen since 2007 and my gas supply since March 2009 is yet to be exhausted! Chei, can I still remember how to cook?
7. The light and water issues weren’t any better in the year just gone by. There are wee improvements coming through the cracks now! God will help us! This is an area I’m yet to comprehend how I’ve been able to survive this long!
8. From the lack of light et al, I’ve learnt to count the number of ceiling tiles in my room to know that they number 45 and that no matter how many times I count them will always remain 45 in number! Yoruba’s call this ‘Oke A Ja’ Syndrome!
9. Been privileged to have had 3 employers in 3 years – ever grateful to God for the opportunities!
10. Survived a sudden 25% rent increase payment; it was actually up by 40% but it was through intelligent intervention that it came down to 25%. Can you imagine paying ‘with-holding-tax’ for your rent or mortgage? Our landie billed us for that o!
11. Been served a quit notice by my landie – I never survive this wan o!
12. Survived several severe fuel scarcities – the current one has been on now for about 5 weeks!
13. It’s only in 9ja people look at you straight in the eyes and lie through their teeth and maintain that they are being as honest as they can be!
14. It’s in 9ja that I’ve experienced having to grovel to take time out from your leave entitlement and still be refused! Na waya! I’m so burnt out because of this!
15. The telecoms firms are making a fortune from ripping us off! We get charged even on failed text messages! Crooks I’d say!
16. It’s only in this 9ja that someone can sleep a pauper and wake up a millionaire; sleep a millionaire and wake up a pauper!
17. Ha, in this 9ja, afo don become millionaire o if this country na litigation society on sexual harassments! I’ve had to endure several sexual harassments. The funny thing was that the perpetrators didn’t see anything wrong with / in their acts! The level of depravity is unbelievable!
18. Been privileged to witness a changing ‘Las Giddy’! Indeed, Fashola is trying to re-invent the city. Kudos!
19. Survived two attempted ‘dog-mauling’ episodes! The last one got me running and screaming for my life as the dog tried to get through my entrance door! Thank God for his mercies!
20. Still trying to overcome these ones o – insomnia and depression! Went through the year battling several bouts of sleeplessness! Not sure what the culprits are – whether it is Nepa, the heat or other issues. Surely, it is well!
21. Realised the level of decadence in our educational system, and it is a reason to worry! A lot of our graduates these days cannot even write or speak good English! Some have learnt to buy their way through, whilst others have learnt to plagiarise! And these are the ones privileged to have even made it thus far! So what does the future hold for those who will not make it that far? For those whose lives have already finished before it started?
Serious food-for-thought!
But then what do we expect, when a simple truth about our Presido’s whereabouts is shrouded in mystery! Shows the level of integrity our leaders are operating at.
God help us all! This is it for now folks!
As Always,
Still Keeping It Real!